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Stavební úpravy budovy čp. 11 v Ratajích nad Sázavou

dokumentace stavebních úprav

Stavební úpravy hygienického zázemí a oprava oken budovy čp. 11 v Ratajích nad Sázavou – I. etapa

Coperated with:

The project represents a complete reconstruction of a historic building. It is about saving the preserved parts of the building and restoring it to its original state from the 19th century.
All fillings of openings will be replaced or refurbished (see tables of windows and doors), stucco decorative facades will be restored, including the reconstructed gable in the western façade. Furthermore, the truss of the building will be replaced with the addition of a turret in the ridge of the roof. The entrance gate to the complex and the front garden on the west side of the building will be newly constructed according to the original historical documentation.


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